
是因為有個小可愛傳這首歌的Remix 版本給我聽  

我一邊看Youtube 一邊就覺得這首超熟悉的


怎麼說呢  這個小可愛  應該可以說小我一輪了吧

想當然 可能不知道這是個老歌 Remix 重新混的

看這Youtube 尤其是照片 真是  賞.心.悅. 目  阿

重點是這首歌真是喚起我 兒時的回憶

聽聽看 80 年代的歌就這麼好聽
我第一次聽到這首歌 還是這首歌登上BillBoard 的寶座

現在年輕人大概不知道什麼是BillBoard 吧

反正我國小就聽ICRT , 都是聽Michael Jackson 和 Madonna 長大的啦

當然那時西洋樂團不是只有他們  只是他們到現在仍然是天王天后
其中來來去去的西洋樂團 個人也不少

你不知道下星期登上BillBoard 寶座的會是哪個巨星 或者爆冷門的黑馬 或者哪個從沒聽過的團體

只是1984年聽到這首歌時 覺得這首歌旋律在那時相當好聽( 年耶 真的超久的啦 ~~~~~BABE 都變青年人了)

所以小朋友說她真的很有品味 我是承認啦

除了幾個超大牌的 沒有特別去查這首歌的原唱是誰

原來是一個叫做Shannon 的黑人女子 唱的
這女子在當時應該也算是Disco Queen 吧, 的確她的嗓音  那時我還以為是個男生唱的
低沈又有爆發力  黑人唱歌就是 不一樣阿~~~

就看看原版1983 年的歌吧 想當初我就是聽這一版

那時哪有House, Trance 在哪邊哩 連hip hop 都沒個影吧..
都是流行樂的天下 什麼是流行樂

阿就像現在的布來尼哩 女神卡卡
不過那時搖滾 抒情 電子 全部都擠在一起

其實現在很多Remix 都是重新混老歌
Offer Nissim 也混Madonna, 和Mj

就連Tiesto 混Sarah McLaachla 的 Silence 都是 11年前了(驚)



把老歌和新歌貼出來  就可以了解現在的Remix 又賦予老歌更多的新意了



We started dancing
And love put us into a groove
As soon as we started to move
The music played
While our bodies
Displayed through the dance

Then love picked us out for romance
I thought it was clear
The plan was we would share
This feeling just between ourselves
But when the music changed
The plan was re-arranged
He went to dance with someone else

We started dancing
And love put us into a groove
But now he's with somebody new
What does love want me to do

Love said
Let the music play
He won't get away
Just keep the groove
And then he'll come back to you again
(Let it play)
Let the music play
He won't get away
This groove he can't ignore
He won't leave you anymore
No, no, no

He tried pretending
A dance is just a dance
But I see
He's dancing his way back to me

Guess he's discovered
We are truly lovers
Magic from the very start
'Cause love just kept me groovin'
And he felt me movin'
Even though we danced apart

So we started dancing
And love put us into the groove
As soon as we started to move
As soon as we started to move

Love said
Let the music play
He won't get away
Just keep the groove
And then he'll come back to you again
(Let it play)
Let the music play
He won't get away
This groove he can't ignore
He won't leave you anymore
No, no, no

He tried pretending
A dance is just a dance
But I see
He's dancing his way back to me
He's dancing his way back to me

Love said
(Let the music play)
Let the music play
(He won't get away)
Just keep the groove
And then he'll come back to you again
(Let it play)
Let the music play
He won't get away...

另一個remix 版本


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